Monday, July 26, 2010



Toyol refers to a ghost in the Malay belief, probably from the spirit / demon, which is maintained for the purpose of stealing. Toyol is said to be in the form of small children and also has a temper like a small child. Preservation of these delicate creatures known as the perennial.


Toyol usually maintained in order to help owners get the money by stealing from his neighbor, a neighbor.


Toyol able to slip in any of the locked room, and be able to find cash hidden everywhere, including the so-called hidden dicelah scriptures.


Guardian toyol usually buy or honor to get toyol. Toyol kept, generally believed to have the form of a naked little boy, with red eyes and sharp teeth. Ostensibly, toyol be preserved in a vial and the owner would give his own blood meal every day / every full moon. If you fail, toyol will suck the blood of the owner's immediate family.


Practitioner of witchcraft or knowledge of this error is an act syrik in Islam.

If not properly maintained, will destroy toyol immediate family members toyol owners. If toyol no longer required, the owner toyol need to get your replacement, or send it back into the outer toyol it was purchased, or it should be removed, usually carried by rivers into the acak.

There are rules that state if a game (? No one knows, maybe once a crab), placed close to the money saved, toyol be fun to play even forgot to take the money. Green beans are placed into the bag is also said to be slight toyol.

Toyol will not steal the entire amount of money, but just takes some of the money saved. Maybe because your elders say that "kids do not hold a lot more money." Toyol owners also need to fulfill any request toyol peliharaannya, failing toyol will react violently

Scientific research

Scientifically, but a ploy toyol thief active disesuatu place. If there is real toyol, toyol you can get more money just to make a show, without having to steal.

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